Saturday, 19 May 2012

Sunday, 13 May 2012


I realize I've become mildly obsessed with these things... but with good reason, I feel.
This is the latest.  One of the others is sold, the other is still available...for the moment.
Is it possible to marry a light fitting?  I'm aware they use electricity and need the occasional bulb replacing... but that's pretty low maintenance, in a comparative sort of way.  Just a thought.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


...with this one!
I really love it, really love the ice cream colours and the shape of the cups.
They're vintage Gaydon Melmex cups and saucers - the kind you might find in a VW camper.
The two shown on here are just about ready to sell - message me if you're interested.
The big one's on its way... but I'm keeping that.